Integrations Guide
Integrate your favorite apps with Spellbound to embed them in your emails

Postscript x Spellbound

  1. Select your Shop Name in the side menu of your Postscript dashboard, then select API.
  2. Select Create Security Key Pair on the right side of the page, then confirm your action by selecting Yes.
  3. Select Show in the Private Key column to reveal your API key. Copy this and save it somewhere for the next step.

Attentive x Spellbound

1. Team Permissions

Add setup@spellbound.io to your Attentive team so we can help guide you through onboarding.

2. Getting an API Key

  • Log into Attentive dashboard
  • Go to Marketplace → Create App
  • Select Write under all Permissions
  • Copy Private API Key and paste it in Spellbound under Integrations → Attentive

3. Enable API Signup Unit

  • If you don’t already have a Signup Unit of type API, you’ll need to set one up. We can do this step for you, or you can do it yourself, just CC akshaya@spellbound.io on the Support ticket.
  • Log into Spellbound and create a blank email and add the Attentive widget. Don’t fill out any of the fields and click “Create Widget”. Take a screenshot of just the widget portion of the email.
  • Open a Support ticket with Attentive using the following message: “Hello! We’d like to enable the API Integration Signup Unit for our account. We'd also like to enable single opt-in for our account as well. Can you help us enable both of these? Here is a screenshot of the external signup form we’re trying to connect to the signup unit: [ attach screenshot ]”
  • If you would not like to enable single opt-in and want to keep double opt-in, remove that part of the request
  • Once they reply and send us the Signup Unit, we can use that ID in the widget to make it work!

Stamped x Spellbound

  • Log into your Stamped account
  • Go to Integrations
  • Copy Public API Key and Store Hash
  • Paste themt in Spellbound under Integrations → Stamped

Okendo x Spellbound

  • Log into your Okendo account
  • Go to Integrations
  • Copy User ID (Unique user ID for your store)
  • Paste it in Spellbound under Integrations → Okendo

Shopify x Spellbound

There are a couple things needed for a Shopify store integration:

  1. Shop Name - testSpellbound.myshopify.com
  2. Access Token - This is the Admin level access token required to send authenticated Admin API and Storefront API.

Creating a Custom App

  • Go to https://shop-name.myshopify.com/admin/apps and select Develop Apps and then Create an App
  • Click on Configure Admin API Scopes. Select Write/Read Orders, Write/Read Products, Write/Read Publications and save
  • Click on Configure Storefront API Scopes. Select Unauthenticated Write/Read Checkouts, Unauthenticated Write/Read Customers, Unauthenticated Read Product Listings and save
  • After you’ve selected your scopes, click Install App
  • Now you should be able to see your Admin Access Token, copy this into the Spellbound access token field. (Note: Shopify only lets you copy/see this token once, so make sure you save it for future use if you somehow forget it).

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