How to embed a review request form in email
Embed your reviews in your post-purchase emails so customers can easily review their purchases directly from their email!
Dima Lkh

Step 1: Integrate Spellbound with your reviews platform

To integrate your reviews platform, please go to the Integrations page in your Spellbound account and provide the necessary info.

Integrations → Select your Reviews Platform to provide the necessary keys.

Once you integrated your Reviews platform, you should be able to set up the interactive widget in your email. As a preview, we show one of the recent real customer orders.

Step 2: Add Fallback

Designing Fallback for your Stamped Reviews is super easy as we provide a unique link for the interactive experience for each customer. You can grab the link in the Configure tab and use it with a button or an image slice that you would otherwise use for a static email.

Copy the unique Web Link to the Stamped Reviews Widget
Use the unique web link for the email recipient with an image slice or a button

Alternatively, you can directly use the dynamic link you would use for a regular Klaviyo email in the Link section of your button or image element.

Reviews Platform → Fallback → Add Button or Image Element to add the fallback link

Step 3: Test and Export Email Template

Once you've set up your reviews widget in your email template, added the fallback experience for non-interactive email recipients, and finalized the email design, you're ready to test and export the template to use in your Post-Purchase flow (where the Flow Trigger is a Placed Order event).

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