How to embed an SMS signup form
Increase SMS opt-ins by embedding your Klaviyo, Postscript, Attentive SMS sign-up forms in your emails.
Dima Lkh

Step 1: Create SMS Widget in Email

We support integrations with most SMS platforms including Klaviyo, Postscript, and Attentive. Please see how to integrate Spellbound with your SMS platform here.

Klaviyo SMS

To create the Klaviyo SMS widget, you need to specify the Recipient List, the Default Country for the phone numbers, and provide the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy links, and click Create Widget.

Postscript SMS

To create the Postscript SMS widget, you need to specify the Keyword (a unique tag to identify where your sign-ups came from), the Default Country for the phone numbers, and provide the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy links, and click Create Widget.

Attentive SMS

To create the Attentive SMS widget, you need to specify the Sign-Up Unit ID (a unique tag to identify where your sign-ups came from), the Default Country for the phone numbers, and provide the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy links, and click Create Widget.

Step 2: Update Styles

Once you create the SMS Widget, you’ll be able to customize your widget to make it look on-brand by updating the Title, Button text, and Theme Color in the Style section of the widget.

Step 3: Add Fallback

In the Fallback Section, you need to design the static version of the email for those (e.g. Outlook users) will not see the interactive emails. We recommend using a button block or an image slice that you would otherwise use for a regular static email with the link to your SMS opt-in landing page.

Interactive Version of the SMS Signup Email
Fallback Version of the SMS Signup Email

Step 3: Test and Export Email Template

Once you've set up your SMS widget in your email template, you can test and export it to use in your Klaviyo campaign or flow:

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